Thursday, November 22, 2012

Why I'm Thankful for You

Why I'm Thankful for You
"You" represents many different "you's"

  • Your tiny fingers are adorable when they try to play a B Major pentascale.
  • You get really excited about learning to play things you've heard before.
  • You like to put upside-down smiley faces on those stick people in A Dozen a Day.
  • Sometimes you can't wait to tell me what happened at school.
  • You make me laugh inside when you're not trying to.
  • You smile the biggest smile when you have a surprise to show me.
  • You think you can sneak up on me when you arrive for your lesson.
  • You say, "Already?" when your lesson is over.
  • You color in the squares of your 1000-Minute Club meticulously.
  • Your bio is hilarious.
  • You play your favorite piece over and over and over again.
  • You bring me rocks you find outside because they're beautiful.
  • You wear your best dress to the recital.
  • You succumb when your mom makes you wear a tie to the recital.
  • If I play a fast scale, you say, "How did you do that!"
  • You care about other kids.
  • You've had the same pink sequined piano bag since you were a little girl.
  • You order more than you can afford for dinner on a field trip.
  • You didn't want to have a week off from scales that time you earned it.
  • You stood up and cheered like you were at a football game when we won Battle of the Studios.
  • You don't realize I've heard "Heart and Soul" before when you show me how to play it.
  • You said my house is always clean.
  • You don't believe people really live here, since it's a school.
  • You say, "Play it as fast as the metronome will go."
  • You gave me a music bracelet for Christmas and said, "I bet your husband won't give you something that good."
  • You asked if you could have a sleepover here.
  • You used to say that you were going to marry both of my boys.
  • You gave me a big hug after your group lesson.
  • When a little student leaves after his lesson, you start playing his piece.
  • You say to your friend, "Oh, level two! I remember that!"
  • You asked me if I was the same lady that cuts your hair.
...and there are lots more reasons I'm thankful for you. :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

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