Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Perfect Teaching Day

In my world, the perfect teaching day includes the following 20 elements:
  1. Good hair (if you knew my hair, you'd understand)
  2. A clean teaching studio
  3. Lesson notes from the previous week
  4. Sharp pencils
  5. A tuned Steinway and Yamaha
  6. No distractions (phones ringing, random noises, etc...)
  7. A lovely manicure (you'd be surprised how mesmerized little girls can be with my hand gestures when the nails are neatly polished with a princess color. It's a guaranteed trick for getting them to observe carefully. And of course my nails are always trimmed short.)
  8. Students who arrive and depart on time
  9. Students who remember to bring all of their books
  10. Teachable moments that happen by surprise
  11. Some Brahms
  12. Laughter
  13. Breaks for teacher so she doesn't feel exhausted by student number 8
  14. Something wonderful from Starbucks
  15. The discovery of a delightful new teaching piece
  16. Overdue items returned to my library
  17. Students who show evidence of having practiced throughout the week (why didn't I think of this one back at number 1...or 2?)
  18. Any parents who sit in have their cell phones turned off and observe without interjecting
  19. I meet each student at his or her level
  20. My students leave my studio knowing something they didn't know before.

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